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New Testament Maps

Books of the Bible
In the Lands of the Bible

Books of the Bible


Europe and Countries of Mediterranean

The countries of Europe and the lands of the Mediterranean Sea will be heavily involved in the activities of the "beast" and "false prophet" (Revelation 13) when they rise to power in the near future.

Europe and Countries of Mediterranean


Palestine in New Testament Times

Palestine in New Testament Times


Euphrates River and Middle East

Euphrates River Valley and surrounding countries -- battleground for World War III. The Bible says this river will be the initial division between the North and the South when the nations of the world begin to align in preparation for the battle of Armageddon. It is in this last battle that the nations of the earth will fight Jesus Christ and His angels coming down from Heaven. Jesus will conquer all the armies against Him. Our Savior will then begin to directly rule the world from His throne in Jerusalem.

Scriptures: See Daniel 11 - 12, Joel 1 -3, Revelation 16-19

Euphrates River and Middle East


The Roman Empire

The Roman Empire


Nazareth (1912 AD)

Nazareth (1912 AD)


The Life of Christ

The Life of Christ


Apostle Paul's First Missionary Journey

Scriptures: See Acts 11:25-26, Acts 13-15.

Dates Events *
48 A.D.
  • From Antioch Paul, Barnabas and John (surnamed Mark) begin their first journey. They travel to Cypress (Cyprus) and Perga.
  • John Mark leaves Paul and Barnabas at Perga and returns to Jerusalem (see Acts 13:13). After Perga Paul/Barnabas journey to Antioch in Pisidia, Iconium, Lystra and Derbe.
  • Agrippa II (see Acts 25) made king of Chaleis.
49 A.D.
  • Paul and Barnabas go back to visit the same places they did in 48 A.D. and return to Antioch.
  • Cumanus made procurator of Judaea (about this time)
* Chronology/Events taken from The Life & Epistles of St. Paul by Conybeare and Howson

Apostle Paul's First Missionary Journey


Paul's Second Missionary Journey

Scriptures: See Acts 15-18:22

Dates Events *
A.D. 50
  • Paul and Barnabas attend the "Council of Jerusalem" (see Acts 15).
  • Caraetaeus captured by the Romans in Britain.
  • Cogidunus (Father of Claudia?, See 2 Tim. 4:21) assists the Romans in Britain.
A.D. 51
  • Second missionary journey begins. Paul and Barnabas travel to Antioch.
  • At Antioch John Mark (who left them at Perga on their first missionary journey) wishes to rejoin Paul/Barnabas. A disagreement ensues between Paul and Barnabas about whether to allow Mark to come with them. The argument is so heated that Paul finally decides to take Silas with him to Tarsus, Derbe, Lystra, Iconium and Antioch in Pisidia. Barnabas takes John Mark and travels to the island of Cypress (Cyprus).
  • At Lystra Paul meets Timothy, who accompanies him on the rest of his journey.
A.D. 52
  • Paul/Silas/Timothy travel to Troas, Philippi, Thessalonica and Beroea (Berea).
  • Jews from Thessalonica come to Beroea and stir up the people against Paul. He is sent by sea to Athens. Silas and Timothy stay in Beroea for a time. It is possible Timothy later travels to Athens, meets Paul, and is sent to revisit Thessalonica.
  • Paul travels to Corinth and writes 1 Thessalonians. Timothy and Silas are with him. Paul meets Aquila and Priscilla.
  • Claudius expels the Jews from Rome (see Acts 18:2)
A.D. 53
  • Paul stays in Corinth and writes 2 Thessalonians.
  • The tetrarchy of Trachonitis given to Agrippa II.
  • Felix made procurator of Judaea
A.D. 54
  • Paul, Aquila and Priscilla leave Corinth in the Spring and arrive at Ephesus. Aquila and Priscilla stay in Ephesus as Paul travels on to Jerusalem. Paul arrives in the city in the Summer (Pentecost). He then goes to Antioch.
  • Death of Claudius and accession of Nero.
* Chronology/Events taken from The Life & Epistles of St. Paul by Conybeare and Howson

Paul's Second Missionary Journey


Paul's Third Missionary Journey

Scriptures: See Acts 18:23 - 21:17

Dates Events *
A.D. 54
  • Paul begins his third missionary journey. He leaves Antioch and goes to Ephesus.
  • Priscilla and Aquila are already in Ephesus and make contact with Apollos. After teaching him thoroughly about Christ, they and the brethren send Apollos to Corinth.
A.D. 55
  • Paul continues to stay in Ephesus.
A.D. 56
  • Paul continues to stay in Ephesus.
A.D. 57
  • In the Spring at Ephesus Paul writes 1 Corinthians.
  • In Summer he leaves Ephesus for Troas. He proceeds to Philippi. **
  • It is in Philippi during the Autumn that it is believed Paul wrote II Corinthians. Titus arrives in the city.
  • In the Winter Paul goes to Corinth, where he writes the book of Galatians.
A.D. 58
  • In the Spring Paul writes the book of Romans.
  • Paul leaves Corinth and goes to Philippi and Miletus.
  • In the summer (Pentecost) Paul arrives in Jerusalem. He is arrested and sent to Caesarea.
* Chronology/Events taken from The Life & Epistles of St. Paul by Conybeare and Howson

** NOTE: The original map from Goodnews Christian Ministry showed Paul going from Ephesus to Assos to Thessalonika (in Macedonia), and not from Ephesus to Troas to Philippi. Conybeare/Howson show Paul leaving Troas for Philippi, then retracing his steps in A.D. 58 when he leaves Corinth. The map has been changed to reflect this research.

Paul's Third Missionary Journey


Apostle Paul's Journey to Rome in Chains

Scriptures: See Acts 21:18 - Acts 28

Dates Events *
A.D. 58
  • Paul is arrested in Jerusalem and goes to Caesarea. He is sent to Felix, Roman Procurator of Judea.
A.D. 59
  • Paul is in Caesarea.
  • Roman Emperor Nero murders Agrippina.
A.D. 60
  • Felix is recalled as Procurator of Judea and is succeeded by Festus.
  • In the Autumn (about August) Paul is sent to Rome by Festus.
  • In the Winter Paul is shipwrecked at Malta.
A.D. 61
  • Paul arrives in Rome in the Spring.
A.D. 62
  • Paul at Rome.
  • In the Spring Paul writes the books of Philemon, Colossians and Ephesians. He may have written the book of Hebrews this year.
  • Albinus succeeds Festus as Procurator of Judea. Emperor Nero marries Poppea. Octavia executed. Pallas put to death.
  • In the Autumn Paul writes the book of Philippians.
A.D. 63
  • Paul is acquitted in the Spring and goes to Macedonia and Asia Minor.
  • Poppea's daughter Claudia born.
A.D. 64 - A.D. 68
  • In A.D. 64 it is possible Paul went to Spain (See Romans 15:28). The Great Fire of Rome occurs, followed by persecution of Roman Christians.
  • In A.D. 65 Paul may have continued in Spain. Gessius Florus made Procurator of Judea. Death of Seneca.
  • In A.D. 66 Paul may have travelled from Spain to Asia Minor (See 1 Timothy 1:3). The Jewish Wars begin.
  • In the Summer of A.D. 67 Paul writes 1 Timothy from Macedonia. He writes Titus from Ephesus in the Autumn. In the winter he is in the city of Nicopolis.
  • During the Spring of A.D. 68 Paul is in a Roman prison. He writes his last epistle, 2 Timothy. The Apostle Paul is executed in the Summer (May or June). Nero dies in the middle of June.
* Chronology/Events taken from The Life & Epistles of St. Paul by Conybeare and Howson

Apostle Paul's Journey to Rome in Chains


Events of New Testament Church

Events of New Testament Church


The Seven Churches of the Book of Revelation

Scriptures: Revelation 2 - 3

The Book of Revelation was written about 95 A.D. by the Apostle John. God the Father gave Jesus Christ the words of the book, which He in turn gave to an angel to tell John.

The seven churches of Revelation are Ephesus, Smyrna (Izmir), Pergamon, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.

The Seven Churches of the Book of Revelation